
What is arthroscopy?

Arthroscopy is a minimally invasive type of advanced surgery that can solve a given joint problem with the efficacy of conventional surgery but with less risk, quicker recovery time and a more favorable cosmetic result.

The arthroscope, an optical instrument the size of a pencil is inserted into the joint through a small incision. The image obtained is transmitted through a small camera to a TV monitor, allowing the surgeon to examine the joint and treat the damaged area.

Who should perform arthroscopy?

Arthroscopy is a minimally invasive type of advanced surgery that is performed in a joint. For this reason, the arthroscopic procedures must be performed by Orthopedic surgeons with experience in Arthroscopic Surgery.

TMEH in Teknon medical center (Barcelona- Spain) is a highly dedicated group that has been performing Arthroscopic Surgery for more than 20 years.

When is arthroscopy indicated?

If you have continuous pain in a joint, locking, swelling or dislocation, arthroscopy can help solve these problems.

The most frequent surgeries performed are on the knee and shoulder but also ankle, elbow, wrist, hip, hands and feet disturbances can be treated with an Arthroscopic procedure.

Where is arthroscopy performed?

Arthroscopy should be performed in a hospital with equipped operating room with the necessary surgical instruments for arthroscopic surgery. Arthroscopy should be performed in a hospital with operating rooms equipped with the necessary surgical instruments for arthroscopic surgery. You will also need nursing staff qualified in the development of arthroscopic activity.

Teknon Medical Center has the most advanced technology for arthroscopic joint surgery.

How is arthroscopy performed?
The first step is to adjust the patient's anesthesia depending on the joint to be treated. The anesthesiologist will recommend the most appropriate type of anesthesia for each case. Small incisions are made in the skin and through them the scope is inserted, along with saline solution to open space in the joint.

The images from the arthroscope is  transmitted through a camera and amplified onto television screen where it is possible to view the entire joint. The specific surgical instrumentation for arthroscopy allows the surgeon to perform the appropriate treatment to the joint problem.


In general, many arthroscopic procedures can be performed in ambulatory surgery units with no overnight stay. In the case of complex arthroscopic surgery or in patients with associated diseases hospitalization may be longer.

Recovery after arthroscopy

Recovery from arthroscopy is faster than recovery from conventional surgery, however physical therapy exercises will help the healing process of tissues and full recovery of the joint.

Possible complications

Although they are present with a very low incidence, arthroscopy, like other surgical procedures may have complications.

The surgeon ensures the least possible occurrence of complications by taking appropriate preventive measures.